Python Numbers

Numbers are primitive data types in Python. There are three sub-types of numeric data, namely:

  • int
  • float
  • complex

Python Numbers

int is used for integers ranging from -∞ to +∞

float represents decimal numbers with floating-point.

complex is of the form a+bj where a and b are integers and j is an imaginary number.

type() function can be used to get numeric object data types as well. int(), float(), complex() can be used respectively to typecast into integer, float and complex respectively.


    >>> x = 1
    >>> type(x)
    >>> y = 1.35
    >>> type(y)
    >>> z = 1+2j
    >>> type(z)

Random Numbers

Python has a built-in module random to work with random numbers. Commonly used random number functions are as follows:

import random

  • random.random(): Generates a random number.
  • random.randint(start, end): Selects a random integer between the given start and endpoints, including the boundary values.
  • random.randrange(start, end): Selects a random integer between the given start and endpoints. Endpoint boundary value is not included.
  • random.choice(iterable): Selects a random number from a given iterable-like list.
  • random. choices(iterable, size): Selects given size of random numbers from the given iterable with duplicate selections.
  • random. sample(iterable, size): Selects given size of random numbers from the given iterable without duplicate selections.
  • random.seed(number): Random numbers are generated with a random seed or starting values from the timestamp, noise, etc. If we put a number as seed values the random number generated will be the same every time.
  • random.shuffle(iterable): Gives a random shuffle to the given iterable-like list.

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