Python String
String is a sequence of characters defined using quotes. There are four different types of quotes available in Python for string representation. Since there is no separate character type in Python, any quotes can be used for any string object.
>>> a = 'Programink' >>> b = "Programink" >>> c = '''Programink''' >>> d = """Programink""" >>> a == b == c == d True
Three pairs of quotes are generally used for multi-line string or docstring. Consistency in the use of quotes is very important in Python.
>>> a = 'It din't rain today' # incorrect >>> a = "It didn't rain today" # correct
Python String Properties
String data type in Python has the below properties:
String has a sequential index starting from 0 and -1.
>>> s = "Hello" >>> s[0] 'H' >>> s[-1] o >>> s[:2] 'He'
String is case-sensitive but not quotes sensitive.
>>> 'a' == 'A' False >>> 'a' == "a" True
String supports concatenation and repetition.
>>> "a" + "b" 'ab' >>> "ha" * 4 'hahahaha'
String is immutable and it cannot be changed.
>>> x = "hello" >>> y = x.upper() >>> print(x) 'hello' >>> print(y) 'HELLO'
Python String Attributes
String type object in Python has below built-in attributes:
capitalize casefold center count encode endswith expandtabs find format format_map index isalnum isalpha isascii isdecimal isdigit isidentifier islower isnumeric isprintable isspace istitle isupper join ljust lower lstrip maketrans partition replace rfind rindex rjust rpartition rsplit rstrip split splitlines startswith strip swapcase title translate upper zfill